Lord Shaxx — Patience and Forbearance

Shaxx regards the launcher in your hands with an uncharacteristic sense of solemnity.

"You know, for a long time, weapons forged in the Darkness were shunned by Lightbearers," he explains. "Especially Pyramid souvenirs like Forbearance."

He leans in conspiratorially. "Praxic pearl-clutching and all that."

"But you showed us all that Darkness can be harnessed for good!" the Titan says, his boisterous demeanor returning. "And that true strength lies not with Light or Dark, but in the balance between them. Not even those Praxic fuddy-duddies can deny it now."

"That's the spirit I used to design your new launcher," he declares. "A weapon of the Darkness, by the Darkness, AGAINST the Darkness!"

"Now let's get out there and destroy the Witness with its own toys!"