14: Patron

Showing the history of 14: Patron across 1 version
From 2019.12.10 (Season of Dawn) to 2021.07.06 (Season of the Splicer)


  • 14: Patron


  • Stone-laid roads lead Saint-14 through the City. He walks them most days when he is home. When time permits.
  • The people wave. They cheer.
  • They bring offerings of their support and adoration.
  • Breads. Tokens. Wonderfully spun tassels and bands of royal purple hue.
  • His name had become synonymous with the Guardians.
  • An image to be adhered to; to be revered.
  • He smiles and shakes their hands.
  • He smiles and accepts their gifts.
  • Their joy is his.
  • He feels the weight of their royal ribbons around his neck, drawn tight by expectation.
  • His armor is faith. It slips and loosens in transit.
  • They sing together. He shares bread with the chorus of voices. He ties ribbons in their hair.
  • His joy is theirs.
  • They sing him a new song.
  • Their voices shine bright.