
Showing the history of Bluff across 1 version
From 2018.09.04 (Forsaken) to 2021.07.06 (Season of the Splicer)


  • Bluff


  • I don't play well with loss. I just don't. It's something I tend to avoid. Actively.
  • It's weird, but… that's where my Queen comes in. And before you make a Reef joke, or mention that witch and her Witches, or her mopey little brother… Don't.
  • My Queen is not THAT Queen.
  • My Queen is love.
  • My Queen is my heart.
  • My Queen is… hard to explain.
  • She is my memory of love. My understanding of it… only exists through her.
  • But she's not here. She's long gone. So I cling to the feeling I get when imagining her, and when I do… I am oh so content.
  • But it's a struggle.
  • We lose so much in this life. Any life. All lives, really…
  • But this life… This Last-Safe-City, end-of-all-things kinda life…?
  • Even when we win, it seems like all we do is lose.
  • Scratch that. I don't believe that. If there's one thing I'm not, it's a defeatist. I mean, I defeat. I definitely defeat. One might even say defeating things is my job. ONE of my jobs. One of MANY.
  • What's not my job is pessimism. Just not my thing. I'm a high-octane optimist and nothing but hugs. Mostly. Not always. Always gets annoying. But mostly… I'm the life of the party.
  • Not that you could tell from all this woe-is-me soul baring I've been laying on thick for, what, eleven entries now? Ten? In fact, at this point, if you're still listening, you're a braver soul than I.
  • But, where was I? Oh, yeah…
  • Optimism.
  • I'm full of it. Amongst other things, if certain unnamed individuals are to be believed. But, yeah… Each new day we're here is one heck of a reward… Heck of a win. And we should own that. Enjoy it. Embrace it. But never take it for granted.
  • Heh. Had a Warlock friend who used to say, "Take it for granite." Like the rock. Like g-r-a-n-i-t-e. Smartest guy I've ever known, but maybe he wasn't, ya know? "For granite." Heh. Almost as dumb as his catchphrases.
  • Come on, Cayde. Stay on target…
  • Each new day. Helluva thing. Embrace it. Enjoy it. But never forget…
  • It's a hard life.
  • And when friends fall. When brothers fade. When your Queen… When…
  • When we lose the things that matter… Well, a lotta people can use that—own it. That pain. That loss. They find a way to motivate—to celebrate.
  • For all my charms, seeing the good in the gone ain't one.
  • And my Queen helps me through that. Because I believe she was something special. She was good. She had to be. And I… Yeah, I do. So damn much.
  • When the others I've lost along the way start to weigh me down, I think of her, and she just overwrites everything else.
  • That's how strong her pull is. That's how big the hole she left is… Massive. It devours.
  • She swallows all other bad things. Not sure it's healthy, the way I deal with loss. But it's my way. It's what works for me. And it makes me happy. Thinking of her…
  • Makes. Me. Happy.
  • And the loss fades away.