Eidolon Pursuant Mask

Showing the history of Eidolon Pursuant Mask across 2 versions
From 2022.05.31 (Season of the Haunted) to 2022.05.31 (Season of the Haunted)


  • Eidolon Pursuant Mask

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/screenshots/1285042454.jpg


  • I - You are seen.


  • Savathûn is rigid and lifeless beneath the edge of Eris's scalpel as it begins a Y-incision. With each careful removal of a chitin plate, she expects the Witch Queen's muscles to shudder, her eyes to roll open, her claws to cleave Eris in twain as retaliation.
  • Rigid. Lifeless. Nothing to fear.
  • Below the skull, protected by plated scale and fraying Hive enchantment, Eris sees the symbol of the Witch Queen. She peels back muscle and shaves away surrounding tissue for a clearer view of the fading mark etched into Savathûn's encephalon organ with soulfire script. Only then does she see the embellishments adorning the mark; they bring to mind the runic symbols carved into the Crown of Sorrow. She catalogues the embellishments on a data-pad, noting the similarities before continuing her examination, confident in her initial findings regarding a link to the Crown.
  • A link to the Crown. A lock many have tried to pick. Now Eris holds the key, from the mind of Savathûn herself.