Gauntlets of Rull

Showing the history of Gauntlets of Rull across 2 versions
From 2017.09.23 (Destiny 2) to 2020.11.10 (Beyond Light)


  • Gauntlets of Rull

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/screenshots/2158603584.jpg


  • Calus had won. But he took nothing from us. Instead he gave us everything we needed to end our perpetual war. —Rull, Gun of Kaga Clipse.
  • "Calus had won. But he took nothing from us. Instead he gave us everything we needed to end our perpetual war." —Rull, Gun of Kaga Clipse.


  • The greatest warriors of the Clipse lay dead. They formed a bloody trail through the Leviathan. Only Rull had lived to see the throne room.
  • Calus calmly sipped his wine and considered Rull from the height of his golden seat.
  • "Are you hungry?"
  • Rull stared dumbfounded, bleeding and exhausted. He didn't know what to make of a creature that would casually offer sustenance and slaughter in equal measure.
  • "I offer you a warrior's paradise, Rull of the Clipse. Join me, and be counted among the lucky few that might see the end of this world."
  • What could Rull do but accept?