The Salt Mines

Showing the history of The Salt Mines across 1 version
From 2019.03.05 (Season of the Drifter) to 2021.07.06 (Season of the Splicer)


  • The Salt Mines


  • In a campsite on a cliff above the salt mines of Trostland, a man with a Golden Gun held two Guardians hostage. Behind them, an ashen silhouette smoldered on the cliffside.
  • "I gave you every chance," said the man with the Golden Gun. "Any last words?"
  • One hostage lifted his head and took a breath. Before he could speak, his skull erupted in a bloom of Arc Light. A Void arrow lanced through the air and lodged in the throat of the second hostage. He slumped over, falling against his dead companion.
  • The man turned to look in the direction of the shots. The Golden Gun blazed bright in his fist.
  • The Ghosts of the dead Guardians materialized to resurrect their fallen charges—but were cut short as two restraining bands whistled through the trees and snapped across their frames.
  • The Ghosts fell, enervated by Arc pulses flowing from their restraints.
  • Loose pebbles murmured down the cliffside as six Warlocks dressed in black dusters entered the camp single-file. They all carried Quitclaim shotguns.
  • The man did not move.
  • The woman leading the Warlocks stepped closer to the man. She held out a Cormorant Seal, fearless in the light of his ever-burning Gun. "Aunor. Praxic Order."
  • "You're interrupting important work," he said.
  • "Stole the words right out of my mouth," she replied. "These Ghosts are coming with us. No more killing. Your reputation won't protect you."
  • "Your jurisdiction ends in the City," came the reply. "These two are my problem to solve."
  • Aunor glowered. "They're third-degree offenders. Consorting with the Darkness on a material level only, collecting and concealing illegal artifacts. We'll rehabilitate and reeducate them if we need to."
  • "And they will continue behind your backs. They're already addicted. Power corrupts."
  • "You're costing us Ghosts—means to fight enemies of humanity. These Guardians represent more than potential Dredgens—"
  • "Men like this will destroy you from within."
  • "Based on the sins of one man?"
  • "My struggle is older than yours, Warlock Aunor, and it will be here when your Praxic laws are forgotten and the Last City is dust."
  • "You, and Shaxx, and the Vanguard, and all the deal-makers are going to get the City killed."
  • The man traded his Golden Gun from one hand to another and sighed. Aunor racked the Quitclaim. Her Warlocks followed her lead.
  • The man stood. "Shaxx wouldn't like it if you all came home in pieces. Take them. I'll be watching. They so much as breathe wrong and they're mine."
  • He walked into the forest, fist still aflame. The campsite fell to darkness as he disappeared.
  • "Secure the Ghosts," Aunor ordered her team, holstering her weapon to begin a thorough sweep of the site.