The Vow

Showing the history of The Vow across 2 versions
From 2019.01.29 (Season of the Forge) to 2020.11.10 (Beyond Light)


  • The Vow

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/screenshots/2009106091.jpg


  • "'Til death do us part." —Lord Shaxx


  • In the courtyard of the Tower, Lord Shaxx stares out at the Last City. He puts his foot up on the railing and sighs.
  • Arcite 99-40 knows Shaxx's moods, because they are his own moods. He sidles up to Shaxx and follows his gaze to the horizon.
  • "What's on your mind, boss?" he asks with the friendly rhythm of a local bartender.
  • Shaxx is quiet for a long time, but Arcite is indifferent to the passage of time. When Shaxx speaks, it is with a deep, sobering gravity.
  • "Today," he says. "I will marry them all."
  • Hours later, after Arcite has finished tying off the bouquets and gathering the doves from the mountains beyond the City, Shaxx addresses the courtyard.
  • "Guardians," he booms. "These Crimson Days are a time to renew our bonds to one another. We gather together. We remember what we owe each other. We declare our love." He holds up a bow for the crowd to see. "Bring your fiery passion to the Crucible. Prove your devotion to your Bond." He pauses. "To those of you who win this bow... I offer my hand in marriage! Take it or leave it!"
  • "Guardians," he booms. "These Crimson Days are a time to renew our bonds to one another. We gather together. We remember what we owe each other. We declare our love." He holds up a bow for the crowd to see. "Bring your fiery passion to the Crucible. Prove your devotion to your Bond." He pauses. "To those of you who win this bow I offer my hand in marriage! Take it or leave it!"
  • Arcite releases the doves. Someone screams. Doves have not been seen in the Last City for a long time.