Shaw Han — And Out Fly the Wolves

"You found a full set," Shaw Han says, shaking his head in disbelief. "The Gjallarhorn reborn. I can't believe I'm going to be here for its second coming."

"But I'm getting way ahead of myself," he chuckles. "You're going to need a targeting system, armored housing, the whole deal—and I think I can help you out with one of those."

Shaw rummages through a nearby pile of gear and pulls a tarnished housing unit from near the bottom.

"I had the New Lights training with this launcher before it got dry-fired one too many times and fell to pieces. The armor's still good, though. It withstood hundreds of training rounds without so much as a crack."

"This could be the base. Think of it like you're using the strength of the new Guardians—I don't know, I'm not great at that symbolism stuff." He hands the housing to you.

"Now we need to find a gunsmith as good as Feizel Crux to piece this thing together."

He thinks to himself, then shrugs. "Banshee?" he offers. "I know the Vanguard uses him for pretty much everything, but there's a reason for that. I'm sure he'd appreciate the chance to put his mark on the next generation of the Gjallarhorn too."

"Head on up to the Tower. I'll be waiting for you… I want to be there the first time you shoot that thing!"