Charged with Blight

Showing the history of Charged with Blight across 2 versions
From 2022.08.23 (Season of Plunder) to 2022.12.06 (Season of the Seraph)


  • Charged with Blight

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/5de33c5c92acfe6f70107b4e9f95001e.png
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/549de54ac92d23e8d020de98d9c6dd08.png


  • Precision hits drain combatants' life force and charge up a ball of darkness. [Alternate Weapon Action] and then fire to unleash the blight projectile, shrouding combatants in darkness and temporarily blinding them.
  • Precision hits drain combatants' life force and charge up a ball of Darkness. [Alternate Weapon Action] and then fire to unleash the blight projectile, shrouding combatants in Darkness and temporarily blinding them.