Divine Fragmentation

Showing the history of Divine Fragmentation across 2 versions
From 2019.10.01 (Shadowkeep) to 2022.05.24 (Season of the Haunted)


  • Core of Nightmares
  • Divine Fragmentation

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/bd1d4802af4990a3a1547c339c73b738.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/e1f04a00fecad7d3469df899c00cf9d8.jpg


  • "The Decryption Core is mended, but remains inactive. I was able to mine it for further data, and there are segments of data in a language I'm unable to decipher. Let me see if I can define its resonant energy pattern—wait, what? That's the same energy that pulsates from the Nightmare Essences. The energy signature is weak, but we should have the means to empower it." —Ghost