Beyond Light

Showing the history of Beyond Light across 5 versions
From 2020.11.10 (Beyond Light) to 2022.05.24 (Season of the Haunted)


  • Decisive Victory
  • Beyond Light

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/64ea61b26a2cba84954b4b73960bef7e.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/b5df0556c7239d00481ef0eaa4899122.jpg


  • Complete "The Warrior" Empire Hunt.

Flavor text

  • "Eramis chose Phylaks for her strategy and her brutality. You will see for yourself." —Variks the Loyal
  • You have finally caught the attention of Phylaks. She's transmitted her location and challenged you to a fight. It seems that she and her troops have reclaimed the Vex-held territory and are ready to confront you.
  • Defeat Phylaks, the Warrior.

Display source

  • "Eramis chose Phylaks for her strategy and her brutality. You will see for yourself." —Variks the Loyal