Symphony of Death

Showing the history of Symphony of Death across 4 versions
From 2019.10.01 (Shadowkeep) to 2022.05.24 (Season of the Haunted)


  • Faculties of the Skull
  • Symphony of Death

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/9846b44306e2f7ae78a002e2abe08e08.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/6c1ebb7aafb678a8b11f712fef80abe0.jpg


  • Eris Morn believes the Hive's wicked science can be turned against them. Help her investigate the Circle of Bones beneath the Moon.

Flavor text

  • "The Hive are a festering sickness. A living plague of bone and suffering. But there are methods through which their affliction may be turned against them." —Eris Morn

Display source

  • "The Hive are a festering sickness. A living plague of bone and suffering. But there are methods through which their affliction may be turned against them." —Eris Morn