Featured Matches

Showing the history of Featured Matches across 3 versions
From 2015.09.09 (The Taken King) to 2015.12.08 (The Taken King)


  • Featured Matches

Image URL

  • /common/destiny_content/icons/bd103cae420f953cce1e6962ec991a6c.jpg


  • Earn points in any featured playlist. Crucible wins are worth 3 points. Starting a new match costs 1 point.
  • Earn points in any featured Crucible playlist. Wins are worth 3 points. Completing a match is worth 1 point.

Flavor text

  • "Sometimes I like to push Guardians out of their comfort zones, force them into unfamiliar matches for greater rewards. They hate and love me for it." —Lord Shaxx