INVADER: Invading with Style

Showing the history of INVADER: Invading with Style across 3 versions
From 2019.03.05 (Season of the Drifter) to 2019.07.10 (Season of Opulence)


  • INVADER: Invading with Style

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/93bd5a3fc2dc212089ca2a5044cf5184.jpg


  • Invader bounty. Rapidly defeat two opposing Guardians.
  • Invader bounty. Rapidly defeat two opposing Guardians in the Crucible.

Flavor text

  • "Hey, quickdraw. Show me you can quickdraw. And the next time I put a band together, I'll make sure to think of you." —The Drifter