Born in Darkness Part 2

Showing the history of Born in Darkness Part 2 across 6 versions
From 2020.11.10 (Beyond Light) to 2022.05.24 (Season of the Haunted)


  • Key to the Truth
  • Born in Darkness Part 2

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/c8895e3579a6897ece1bdfa044a4f899.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/4bfc1664e73ea011ed60a718755e7a17.jpg


  • Complete playlist activities with your Stasis subclass equipped.
  • Use Stasis abilities in playlist activities. Defeating Guardians grants the most efficient progress.
  • - Complete playlist activities with your Stasis subclass equipped.
  • - Use Stasis abilities in playlist activities. Defeating Guardians grants additional progress.

Flavor text

  • "This is a bit unusual, I know—but the Skeleton Key is not yet fully empowered, and we have an opportunity here to test our Stasis skills on ourselves. If you feel comfortable with that, of course. If not, continue to empower it through our enemies. It never hurts to thin their ranks." —The Exo Stranger
  • The Exo Stranger wants you to further empower the Skeleton Key so you can decrypt more of Clovis's journal. Do so by using Stasis to defeat combatants or other Guardians. Playlist activities such as Crucible or Vanguard Operations should give you that opportunity.

Display source

  • "This is a bit unusual, I know—but the Skeleton Key is not yet fully empowered, and we have an opportunity here to test our Stasis skills on ourselves. If you feel comfortable with that, of course. If not, continue to empower it through our enemies. It never hurts to thin their ranks." —The Exo Stranger