Phoenix Strife Type 0

Showing the history of Phoenix Strife Type 0 across 2 versions
From 2017.09.11 (Destiny 2) to 2021.08.24 (Season of the Lost)


  • Phoenix Strife Type 0

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/c8e29fa09c7a1c0e9fae2fbe756ed63c.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/9c9d1aad60b8e7045d7b4fbc932d741a.jpg


  • "Mercy has no place in the Crucible. Going easy does no one any favors." —Lord Shaxx

Flavor text

  • "Mercy has no place in the Crucible. Going easy does no one any favors." —Lord Shaxx