This is Dead Orbit Territory

Showing the history of This is Dead Orbit Territory across 2 versions
From 2015.09.09 (The Taken King) to 2015.11.17 (The Taken King)


  • This is Dead Orbit Territory

Image URL

  • /common/destiny_content/icons/af7699300a09620ed6cc4777dc71ffe0.jpg
  • /common/destiny_content/icons/fa71ffeef569a4e03a2030d8af10bb81.jpg


  • Win matches in the Control playlist for Dead Orbit.
  • Earn 4 points in the Control playlist. Wins are worth 3, match completions are worth 1.

Flavor text

  • "Difficult to hold on to more than two control points at once, even for me. But do what you want. Just don't ask me to pick the bullets out of your armor when you get routed." —Lord Shaxx