Valor and Victory

Showing the history of Valor and Victory across 3 versions
From 2020.11.10 (Beyond Light) to 2021.08.31 (Season of the Lost)


  • Valor and Victory

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/a3ad7047f5b0fd12b735819d34d7173c.jpg


  • Defeat Guardians as a team, earn Valor ranks, and collect points by defeating Guardians while using Sniper Rifles in Crucible.
  • Defeat Guardians as a team, earn Crucible Ranks, and collect points by defeating Guardians while using Sniper Rifles in Crucible.
  • Sniper Rifle precision final blows grant the most efficient progress.

Flavor text

  • "You do not need to prove yourself to me, but to your teammates." —Lord Shaxx

Display source

  • "You do not need to prove yourself to me, but to your teammates." —Lord Shaxx