Wraps of the Fulminator

Showing the history of Wraps of the Fulminator across 2 versions
From 2017.09.14 (Destiny 2) to 2020.11.10 (Beyond Light)


  • Wraps of the Fulminator

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/screenshots/2676042150.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/screenshots/754149843.jpg


  • Before my Councilors and I could finalize her containment armor, the very presence of the Fulminator assaulted the senses. She was breathtaking. —Calus, Emperor of the Cabal
  • "Before my Councilors and I could finalize her containment armor, the very presence of the Fulminator assaulted the senses. She was breathtaking." —Calus, Emperor of the Cabal


  • Statesman Tha'uul ran, and the Fulminator followed him. He was a minor diplomat who had played a part in the coup against the emperor. She wasn't certain of the details. The social dynamics of organics were difficult to grasp and she found them consistently irrelevant.
  • He had no idea she was still there. He thought he had outrun her, but the Arkborn knew that bipeds rarely look up.
  • She hovered far above her target, specific limiters on her armor disabled so that Arc could flow freely and lift her to the heavens.
  • Below, the statesman had chosen a brightly lit street that led to a dead end on the left turn in front of him. She descended.