Nimbus — Lightfall

Nimbus claps you on the back in greeting. After everything that's happened, you are a true ally of Neomuna and welcome in the city anytime.

"We may not be the hottest tourist spot in the system," they quip, looking out at the smoldering skyline, "but we'll take all the help we can get."

There's an ironic twist to the Cloud Strider's mouth, but it can't cover up the worry in their eyes. "Osiris filled me in on everything else that's happened. The Witness created some kind of portal in your Traveler and went through it, right? If it's rejecting all probes… then forget about getting people through it."

"I can't claim we've got the answers, but we're all in this together, right? Humanity's gotta help each other, Neptune or Earth. Neomuna's role in this war isn't over by a long shot. While everyone figures out what's next, could use your help holding the line here. The less gets by us, the less comes at you later. And when we do know what's next, Neomuna's got your back. It's our galaxy too."