Desperate Measures: Neomuna Civil News — Nimbus Interview

Jisu Calerondo: [Neomuna News with Jisu Calerondo musical jingle] With Neomuna Civil News, this is Jisu Calerondo, coming to you today with Cloud Strider Nimbus for updates on the recent conflict. Nimbus, thank you for joining us in light of the heavy burden that has recently fallen on your shoulders.

Nimbus: I mean, whole city's hurting right now, Jisu. Rohan was my hero, same as everyone else. But the best thing we can all do is make sure his sacrifice means something. Keep this city safe.

Jisu Calerondo: And what of the Guardians? Have they helped maintain our peace and safety, or are they adding new complications?

Nimbus: We all knew the return of the Pyramid fleet was going to be complicated, and I'm glad we've had the Guardians here every step of the way. There's one thing Rohan taught me, it's that no one survives alone. We need each other.

Jisu Calerondo: Impassioned words from one of our city's great champions. Let us hope time proves them wise as well. This is Jisu Calerondo, signing off.