Lord Shaxx — Blast from the Past

Shaxx is practicing his vocal exercises as you approach. "Banshee bought a brig, but the brig was broken. Banshee bought—ah! Guardian! Just keeping my voice warm for tonight's Crucible."

"I see you've got the latest Blast Furnace!" he says, gesturing to the rifle. "Nothing says versatility like a good pulse rifle."

"They really came into their own during the City Age. Lots of ranged standoffs with the Fallen in those days."

"Sometimes gunfights would last for days on end. We took snack breaks!" he reminisces. "In situations like those, precision fire and tight shot groupings are a Guardian's best friend."

"Nobody understands that better than Ada-1. That's why I INSISTED that Blast Furnace be included in the BRAVE arsenal."

"It's good to see Ada back in the arms race, don't you think?"