Pilgrimage: Garden of Esila, View


Shuro Chi: When Mara and Illyn began to shape the Dreaming City, this was where they started. They stood on the edge of the world with rough rocks all around, and they saw the potential of what this place could be.


Shuro Chi: Turn and look out over the clouds. Breathe in… then out… Now turn. Look at the gardens. Study them. Take them in. Everything you see is the reason we're here, Guardian. If beautiful places like this cannot survive, then why fight at all?


Shuro Chi: When the Awoken first arrived in the Reef, Mara was not our Queen. She was simply our leader. We MADE HER our Queen. This is where she was crowned. This is where we knelt and pledged our devotion to her.


Shuro Chi: Your Traveler terraformed your planets. But the Awoken terraformed the Dreaming City. It is our creation. It is a reflection of our people - not a false gift from a skittish god.

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Pilgrimage: Garden of Esila, Tree

Category: Pilgrimages

Pilgrimage: Gardens of Esila, Bridge

Oracle Offering (Loop 8, Week 1)

Category: Queen Mara Sov

Pilgrimage: Gardens of Esila, Bridge