Ikora Rey — Taming the Storm

Ikora puzzles over the strange object you found in the Cosmodrome.

"You unearthed this on your own? Fascinating. I suspect that your recent practice with Arc may have drawn you to the Lost Sector. The technology of the Fallen is, in some ways, an attempt to replicate the unbridled power of Arc."

"Indulge my curiosity for a moment, Guardian. Since you subdued the Servitors in the Lost Sector, you should make quick work of Sepiks Prime, the Servitor hiding in the Devils' Lair. Test your Light against the machine's strength."

Ikora gives you a small but genuine smile. "Don't worry, I wouldn't send you without adequate preparation."

She presents you with a piece of armor. Energy surges through your fingers when you hold it.

"Use this armor to supplement your own Arc abilities. When you have triumphed—and I have no doubt that you will—speak with Banshee-44. He'll make sure you're rewarded for your efforts."