Ritual Circle — Legacy: Toil and Trouble

"Though my form twists in this rune-bound circle, I remain Eris Morn," says the figure before you, her voice strained by the transformation.

Eris gestures a clawed hand toward the staff you used to begin the Hive ritual. "A splinter of a Hive worm rests in your staff," she says. "It is enough to bind us, and mark you as my acolyte. By the sword logic of the Hive, your conquests strengthen me."

You think of the bargain Immaru offered the Vanguard: Savathûn will reveal how to follow the Witness if you can deal with her sister. You nod in understanding.

"You must tithe mightily if I am to become strong enough to defeat Xivu Arath," Eris says. You hear her smile viciously beneath the mask of chitin.

"Let us show her what it is to be Hive!"