More Than a Weapon VI: Consult with Rasputin

More Than a Weapon

The H.E.L.M., The Moon's Orbit

After meeting with the Vanguard, the Guardian returns to the Exo Frame to consult with Rasputin.

Rasputin: I am a machine of war, built for a singular purpose: to destroy any and all threats to humanity. Clovis and I disagreed on what constituted such threats, but not on the means to the end. On Mars, I developed the Escalation Protocol to combat the Hive: ever-increasing application of force in the face of rising opposition. Was I playing into Xivu Arath’s hands even then? Has she always accounted for my methodologies? What purpose do I serve if my actions place humanity in danger? Am I even capable of developing a solution without mass destruction? This is a calculation I have never had to make. It will take time to run the necessary combat simulations. Follow the directions of the Vanguard in the interim. I will contact you if and when I have determined our next objective.

More Than a Weapon V: Debrief with Rasputin

Category: Rasputin

More Than a Weapon VI: Speak to Rasputin

More Than a Weapon V: Debrief with Rasputin

Category: Warminds

More Than a Weapon VI: Speak to Rasputin