Lord Shaxx — Midnight Ride

Lord Shaxx greets you with a Cabal salute. "You look ready to join Valus Forge's forces," he says, gesturing to your new weapon.

"The City's foundries are the best at what they do, but they're not the only weapons manufacturers out there. Those of us who've felt the business end of a Scorpius turret know that firepower has no allegiance."

"That's why I insisted on refurbishing the Midnight Coup."

"It's a perfect homage to our victory over Calus. A reminder to the Witness that, even armed with the best, his Disciples are no match for the Vanguard!" He thumps his breastplate with a meaty gauntlet for emphasis.

"If you're interested in non-Human weaponry," he continues, "you should visit the Drifter. He's an expert on the matter, as he barely qualifies as Human himself!"