Breakneck: Meet with Nimbus

Nimbus: That Caiatl… phew. She's something else, huh? Well, look, I was rooting for us, really, I was. There's no greater joy for me than doing something Rohan would call… "incredibly reckless." He'll shake his head and say his little catchphrase: [mimics Rohan's voice] "Nimbus! Headlong and empty-handed." I'm sure you heard it. It's shorthand for "Hey, kid, stop trying to do it all yourself. We're partners for a reason!" And if I screw up and things go south, well, we'll fix 'em together. The CloudArk is still vulnerable. If we can cycle the power, a hard reset like that should kick things back into gear. It's just… this "hard reset" is deep in Vex territory, and that's where you come in. Osiris and Rohan can go process their differences over some fermented tea or whatever. We're off to go protect the people of Neomuna.

Breakneck: Interlude with Caiatl

Category: Caiatl

Breakneck: Meet with Osiris

Breakneck: Interlude with Caiatl

Category: Osiris

Breakneck: Meet with Osiris