Sails of the Shipstealer III: Visit the Star Chart

Sails of the Shipstealer

The H.E.L.M., The Moon's Orbit

The Guardian returns to the Star Chart for instructions.

Mithrax: Guardian, we have new readings: Eramis's fleet moves across the system, pursuing relics of power. Summon your crew. And… a request. Please. As a favor to me. Do not involve Eido in your violence against the old crews. She is brave and curious, but does not yet understand the brutality of the world. There are pain-truths in our history. I should have told her earlier, before all this… But I must learn before I can teach. And for that, I need time. Disrupt Eramis's crews, and stop her from collecting the relics. Some mistakes must remain in the past.

Sabotaging Salvation

Category: Eramis

Sails of the Shipstealer II: Visit the Holoprojector

Sails of the Shipstealer III: Visit the Holoprojector

Category: Mithrax

Sails of the Shipstealer II: Visit the Holoprojector