Wayfinder's Voyage IV: Summoned by Mara Sov

Summoned by Mara Sov

The H.E.L.M., The Tower

The Guardian approaches the Wayfinder's Compass to receive a briefing from Mara Sov.

Queen Mara Sov: Each Ascendant beacon you reawaken reclaims a road once lost to me. Broadens my sight. But my realm still aches. Savathûn has done so much to destroy everything my people worked for. She stole my brother from me, twisted his mind, and delivered him to his executioners. Then she had the audacity to steal him from the Traveler, manipulate him, and... lead him back home. It is strange, having him here. And yet, not. Crow is a wounded bird, flinching away from me. So much like Uldren, but lost without a guiding man. Do you understand why I forbade him from speaking with Savathûn? This reunion is such... cruel kindness. I will find a way to repay her for it. And you will continue to bring me the Techeuns I need to do so.

Wayfinder's Voyage IV: Interrogation

Category: Savathûn

Wayfinder's Voyage VII: Awaiting Alignment

Wayfinder's Voyage IV: Interrogation

Category: Queen Mara Sov

Wayfinder's Voyage VII: Interrogation

Wayfinder's Voyage III: Petra's Grievances

Category: Prince Uldren Sov

Wayfinder's Voyage VII: Awaiting Alignment