Challenger's Proving VII: Mission Briefing

The H.E.L.M., The Last City

The Guardian approaches the War Table. A hologram of Saladin appears.

Lord Saladin: At last, we have a plan to strike at the heart of the Cabal. It's not what I'd do, but at least we're taking decisive action. Zavala has challenged Caiatl to settle things with a final Rite of Proving. No response yet, but Osiris is confident she'll accept. Personally, I don't think there's any course of action more "final" than a full-scale offensive. Your task is to "encourage"" Caiatl to accept the easy out. Her aspiring commanders are the pressure points, so hit them with everything you've got. And keep hitting them until Commander Zavala tells you otherwise.

The hologram disappears as the call ends.

War Table — Challenger's Proving VII

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Challenger's Proving VII: Debriefing

Category: Caiatl

Challenger's Proving VII: Parting Ways, For Now

Challenger's Proving VII: Debriefing

Category: Osiris


Challenger's Proving VII: Debriefing

Category: Lord Saladin

Challenger's Proving VI: Mission Briefing

Challenger's Proving VII: Debriefing

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Challenger's Proving VII: Parting Ways, For Now