Mysterious Disturbance - Prophecy Dungeon Introduction

Annex, The Tower, The Last City, Earth

The Drifter: Hey, I know everything's gone whackadoo out there. It's not everyday a paracausal Pyramid shows up on our doorstep. But Eris is lookin' into the Darkness. And I'll be helpin' with that. However - If we want intel on the Dark, quick n' dirty, the Nine have seen it all. I say we head down into the Haul, ask 'em one question, simple and clean: What is the Darkness? What do ya say, partner? How about one more ride with the Drifter?

Eris Morn: What do you think you're doing, rat?

The Drifter: Eris?

Eris Morn: You're a fool if you think I'll let you run amok in the Nine Realms with the Guardian in tow.

The Drifter: You want in on this? Fine.

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Invitation of the Nine - Mystery and Potential (Visit 9)

Category: The Drifter

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Invitation of the Nine - Mystery and Potential (Visit 9)

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