Empire Hunt: The Technocrat

Cadmus Ridge, Rathmore Chaos, Europa

The Guardian begins hunting down Praksis, the Technocrat within Bray Exoscience.

Variks: Eramis met Praksis in prison, yes? [wheezes] Each day, they spoke through the walls of their cells, dreaming of a new world. His research gave Eliksni the ability to draw power from the Splinters. [insect-like chattering] Be careful, friend. Kill Praksis, and Eramis will no longer be able to empower her followers with Darkness. [insect-like chattering]

Zedraks-6, House Salvation appears. The Guardian defeats Zedraks-6.

Praksis: Interlopers. Meddlers. Extraneous variables. But perhaps I can make use of you… Your kind make compelling test subjects.

Bray Exoscience, Rathmore Chaos, Europa

The Guardian enters Bray Exoscience and encounters a Brig.

Praksis: Let us run a test. Initiating defense protocol NIIRSAI.

The Guardian destroys the Brig and clear the room of House Salvation forces.

Praksis: No, no, no… Troubling. Embarrassing. I must keep this from Eramis… The data must be clean.

The Guardian destroys and evades Praksis's traps.

Praksis: [laughs]

The Guardian destroys a challenging Servitor.

Praksis: This is where your Golden Age Kell built his machines, hmm? Trivial tinkering. I will elevate it…


If the player is an Exo

Praksis: This is where your Golden Age Kell built you, hmm? Trivial tinkering. I will elevate it…

The Guardian proceeds.

Variks: Is it stranger to see this place, Guardian? [wheezes] Eliksni are haunted by what we have lost — but we are not forced to walk the ruins of our former life, as you are. [insect-like chattering]

Eternity, Rathmore Chaos, Europa .

The Guardian continues to destroy and evade Praksis's traps. The Guardian confronts Praksis.

Praksis: The others did not come this far. You are an outlier. Aberrant. But I can account for you.

Praksis’s shield generator comes online. The Guardian destroys Praksis’s shield generator. Praksis retreats. The Guardian pursues Praksis and discovers Cruxes of Darkness in the area. Praksis arrives on a shank and activates a barrier.

Praksis: Eramis does not permit errors, so I will not fail.

The Guardian weakens Praksis. Praksis's shield generators come online.

Praksis: This is all the Machine gave you? Ha ha!

The Guardian destroys Praksis's shield generators. The Guardian weakens Praksis. Praksis's shield generators come online.

Praksis: [laughs]

The Guardian destroys Praksis's shield generators. The Guardian weakens Praksis. Praksis's shield generators come online.

Praksis: Let me see your tiny Servitor. I will take it apart, like the others…

The Guardian destroys Praksis's shield generators. Praksis is shielded by Stasis. The Darkness beckons… and the Guardian becomes empowered with Stasis. The Guardian defeats Praksis, the Technocrat.

The Guardian acquires Praksis's Splinter of Darkness.

Enhanced Splinter of Darkness

Ghost: Variks, Praksis is down. We're finishing up here.

Variks: Good. Without Phylaks and Praksis, Eramis will grow reckless. [insect-like chattering] Careless. Without her council, she is weak. She will struggle to control this new Dark power. [insect-like chattering]

Ghost: Perfect time for us to strike. Guardian, we should get back to camp with this Splinter. The Stranger will be waiting.

Riis-Reborn Approach, Rathmore Chaos, Europa

Eramis meets with Kridis and Atraks.

Eramis: Praksis and Phylaks are dead. We must retaliate! Atraks. Kridis and I can handle this. Return to the Crypt and prepare the body.

Atraks leaves Eramis and Kridis.

Kridis: Eramis. We must take pause. These powers are not what we expected. I, too, am impatient. But there is wisdom in caution.

Eramis: [grunts] Caution? Look what caution has earned us. Our enemy exploits our weakness. I will give these Guardians the destruction they crave.

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