Seraph Wings

Courtyard, The Tower, The Last City, Earth

After Rasputin destroys the Almighty.

Zavala: The Almighty has been reduced to smouldering ash, thanks to you… and Rasputin. Our success serves as a reminder that we're in this fight together. Allegiances have never been more important. Together, we'll overcome whatever enemy we face. And with allies like Rasputin, who can stop us?

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Season of the Worthy Opening Cinematic

Category: Rasputin

Shard of the Traveler (Gunslinger)

Season of the Worthy Opening Cinematic

Category: Warminds

Shard of the Traveler (Gunslinger)

Season of the Worthy Opening Cinematic

Category: Zavala

Sever — Forgiveness: Calus's Automaton