Bound in Sorrow: Sever — Rage: Return to Eris

Bound in Sorrow

The H.E.L.M., The Moon's Orbit

The Guardian returns to the Crown of Sorrow and speaks to Eris about the final ritual of severance.

Eris Morn: The Leviathan's corruption spreads like a plague. Even as we succeed, Calus's influence strengthens. I had thought his presence at the Moon was fascination. He has always been an explorer of the unknown, a researcher of malign intent but boundless curiosity. But this… this feels different. If Calus's experiments in communing with the Darkness aboard the Glykon was a theory… what we see here and aboard the Leviathan is that theory put into practice. Caiatl has observed Crow and Zavala's successes from afar. She wishes to help us sever Calus's connection to the Pyramid by confronting the Nightmare of Dominus Ghaul. He haunts her relentlessly, as Uldren haunted Crow, as Safiyah haunted Zavala… but Caiatl was not bound with us. There is no certainty a ritual would succeed. I have advised her to remain aboard her flagship for now. In the meantime, we continue our preparations while I look for another solution. I will contact you soon.

Bound in Sorrow: Sever — Catharsis: Return to Eris

Category: Caiatl

Bound in Sorrow: Sever — Rage: Transmission from Caiatl

Bound in Sorrow: Sever — Rage: Debrief with Eris

Category: Emperor Calus

Bound in Sorrow: Sever — Rage: Transmission from Caiatl

Bound in Sorrow: Sever — Rage: Debrief with Eris

Category: Eris Morn

Bound in Sorrow: Sever — Reconciliation: Debrief with Eris

Bound in Sorrow: Sever — Grief: Return to Eris

Category: Prince Uldren Sov

Bound in Sorrow: Sever — Reconciliation: Debrief with Eris

Bound in Sorrow: Sever — Grief: The Nightmare of Safiyah

Category: Zavala

Breakneck: Conversation between Osiris and Nimbus