Contact - Io

Lost Oasis/The Rupture, Echo Mesa, Io

The Guardian deploys a containment bank underneath a Pyramid Scale and joins other Guardians to charge the Seed of Silver Wings with Darkness.


Eris Morn: You did well to find this point of infestation.

Drifter: Yeah, but something's not right here.

Eris Morn: The Darkness changes its environment as the Traveler did.

Drifter: Sounds peachy.


Eris Morn: You are our hand in the field, Guardian. Charge the Seed so that we may interpret the Darkness' intentions.


Eris Morn: The Seed's corruption is a necessity, and a deed better left in noble hands. See it done.


Eris Morn: First plundered by Cabal, now beset with the rot of Darkness. Even the purity once endowed by the Traveler wavers.


Eris Morn: Do you sense the gravity here, Guardian? A sullen pit that sinks to spoil. The Pyramids bring entropy, and we will restore order.


Eris Morn: The great game is in motion. Charge the Seed so that we may commune once more with the Dark.


Eris Morn: The Pyramid reaches out. Contain it!


Drifter: Time to be good guys. Dark up, kick in some teeth, and bank those Motes! WOO!


Ghost: I know you're curious to hear what they have to say… but remember what they've done. Be careful.


Drifter: A whole lotta incoming. Hey, Moondust, you got anything for this?

Eris Morn: They seek strength, as we do. Though they lack the constitution to control it.

Drifter: Constitution. I like the way you talk.


Drifter: Vanguard tussled with this on the Moon, right? Should be easy.

Eris Morn: This is different. The Nightmares were simply an interpretation. What we have before us is the source, directly viewed, and not to be underestimated.


Drifter: Ah, that Seed's bringing in all sorts of funk. Bogeys. Inbound!

Eris Morn: We cannot lose this position, Guardian. Savathûn's clutches tighten if we hesitate.


Drifter: Bank down! Ring that dinner bell. Stretch. Soup's on!

Eris Morn: Io is a sacred place, not a slop hall for haggard buzzards.

Drifter: World's just bones on bones. Been like that forever.


Drifter: Pyramid's going nuts. This is the hotspot, that's for sure. Bank down!

Eris Morn: Guardian, you are not alone. Our foes seek to claim power from the Darkness.

Drifter: Bring 'em down and bank those Motes!

Eris Morn: Yes. Contain the spread of this infestation, and we will utilize what we capture to decipher the Pyramid's intentions.


Drifter: Showtime! Signals going haywire all around ya.

Eris Morn: The Darkness tempts our aggressors with promises of power. Are they fodder? An offering to our cause?

Drifter: Never seen a free meal, and I've been around a long time.


Drifter: That Pyramid cuts a sinister figure. Too bad your Golden Age basket case couldn't pull the trigger.

Eris Morn: The Warmind's fall was unsettling. The Darkness would not have approached had Rasputin been a credible threat. We were fools to expect anything less.


Drifter: Your big blue boss looks rattled, brother. I'd be worried.

Eris Morn: Commander Zavala has far more to orchestrate than a back-alley brawl, rat.

Drifter: All right. All right. Just…looking out.


Drifter: Bank incoming! [shivers] I'm starting to catch a streak of that hero feel.

Eris Morn: Oh? Is that why you're here? Some noble vocation?

Drifter: Nah. Just the show, Moondust.


Drifter: You know the rub. Bank those motes… and snag one for ol' Drifter.

Eris Morn: Absolutely not.

Drifter: All right. Your show, Moondust.


Drifter: So this is the plan. All right… bank down.

Eris Morn: If we tap this font of power, others will come to challenge. Collect whatever Darkness they hold.

Drifter: Hey, Hero. Ready for a gunfight?


Drifter: Mini-bank in transit. You're up, brother.

Eris Morn: Staunch the flow of Darkness, Guardian.

Drifter: And keep 'em off my bank. Paint's barely dry.


Drifter: Bank firing in. Kid, you're on deck.

Eris Morn: Guardian. Our foes mean to interrupt our work. Cut them down.

Drifter: Ooh, Moondust, you've got a mean streak. [laughs]


Drifter: What do you think your competitors want with all this Darkness?

Eris Morn: Power. One last gasp before they fade into obscurity.

Drifter: Pretty grim.

Eris Morn: Invaders, typically, are not afforded pity.


Eris Morn: Savathûn seeks to disrupt. Work with purpose, before there is nothing left to salvage.

Drifter: Salvage ain't so bad.

Eris Morn: There's still space on the outskirts, Drifter, should you wish to observe rather than act.

Drifter: Maybe I'll save you a spot.


Eris Morn: Guardian —

Drifter: Transmat firing! Watch your limbs.

Eris Morn: Good Luck.


Eris Morn: The denizens of this world swarm to stake their claims. Show them what comes from their recklessness.

Drifter: Lady…you are freaky. Drifter like.


Eris Morn: Our attempt at alignment has drawn attention.

Ghost: Understood, Eris. Let's charge up the Seed and get out of here.


Ghost: Scans are all over the place. I can't get a lock on anything.

Eris Morn: Savathûn obscures our vision. Fear not the Witch Queen's tricks, Little Light.


Ghost: I envy you, Eris. You don't have to feel the Darkness tugging at your core.

Eris Morn: I feel their hooks…at every moment, Little Light.

Ghost: Then you know why we have to win.


Zavala: Guardian, we are the final line that halts a second Collapse. Do not falter.

Drifter: You weren't around for the Dark Ages, were you?

Zavala: I've lived long enough to see what happens when good people fail.

The Guardian deposits Motes into the containment bank. Taken appear and attack the bank.


Eris Morn: Taken! Destroy them, Guardian.


Drifter: Hey, those aren't my Taken. Get them off my gear!


Drifter: Bank offline! Taken signatures all over it.


Drifter: Bank's cut off, partner. Sweep it clean!


Drifter: Hey… HEY! Taken stooges are messing up my bank!


Drifter: Taken blocking my gear! Clear 'em out!


Eris Morn: Pawns of the Witch Queen! Protect the contraption!


Eris Morn: Taken scouts. Wipe them away before Savathûn takes notice!


Eris Morn: Savathûn's pets swarm our containment unit!


Ghost: Sterile neutrinos? Taken! On the bank!


Ghost: Picking up Taken signals. They're on the bank!

The Guardian deposits more Motes into the bank. Taken Will of Quria appears.


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

The Guardian deposits Blooms from the Pyramid Scale and prevents the Taken from extracting Blooms from the bank. Taken Pyromaster, Taken Monstrosity, or Taken Howler appears instead of Taken Will of Quria.


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

Drifter: Something big's moving in.

Eris Morn: The Witch Queen's wretched marionette, and upon its tongue, her violent regards.


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

Drifter: Hey, hotshot. Big nasty Taken headed your way. Keep that bank in one piece.


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

Drifter: Eh, something's jamming the signal. Ooh, you've got company. Slug it out a bit. Gonna get a frickin' wrench.


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

Drifter: Picking something up… Those are Taken signatures. You've got incoming.


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

Eris Morn: They come for the Seed. Savathûn commands great strength to wield Quria so. The Seed must survive. Fight well.


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

Eris Morn: She has found us! Drawn to the coalescing Dark. Stand fast!


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

Eris Morn: Guardian, the Taken draw power from nearby infestations of Darkness. They must not stop us now.


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

Eris Morn: The witch sends a sword. Brash. Is this desperation or a show of strength?


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

Eris Morn: Savathûn… our actions have sent reverberations through her web. Prepare yourself, Guardian. This battle is not over.


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

Eris Morn: Pull back your contraption. The Taken have found us!

Drifter: You can either start chanting or buy me a few minutes. Let Drifter work!


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

Drifter: Taken energy spiking.

Eris Morn: New growths, Guardian. They sustain this Taken monstrosity. Break them.


If the Guardians do not activate the Heroic Public Event

The Guardians defeat Taken Will of Quria.


If the Guardians activate the Heroic Public Event

The Guardians defeat Taken Pyromaster, Taken Monstrosity, or Taken Howler.

Savathûn's Taken retreat and the Pyramid Scale departs. The bank collects 100% of resonate energy and refines its quality.


Zavala: Guardian, siege preparations are… they're ongoing. What is your status?

Ghost: I'd say we're close to uncovering another message, Commander.

Zavala: The Tower's resources are stretched thin. I trust you'll maintain our front against the Pyramids.

Ghost: We won't let you down.


Zavala: Eris. Check In.

Eris Morn: Zavala? Our operation is progressing. In time, the answers will be made clear.

Zavala: Your team carries the City on your shoulders. It is… a burden I did not wish to put

upon you again.

Eris Morn: I…

Ghost: We're here to help you, Commander. We carry the weight together.

Eris Morn: As it should be, old friend.

Zavala: You are both stronger than you know. Be safe. Be vigilant. I await your return.


Drifter: Free and clear. Nice.


Drifter: Sure is a lot of bluster just to show up and want to chat. Take a tip from your ol' pal, Drifter. When someone's talking, don't watch the mouth. Ya dig?


Drifter: It's no wonder those City chumps talk you up all the time. But we go way back. Might even rattle off a few boasts myself. "Yeah, I know the hero. Came up under ol' Drifter's wing running Gambit!" Ah! Roll's right off the tongue. Probably plays great with a tune.


Eris Morn: The Pyramid on the Moon was a herald, of that I am sure. Thanks to their efforts, we will soon know more of their message.


Eris Morn: Why have they not simply ended it? Do they fear us so little? Or, like the Seed, is our cultivation not yet complete?


Eris Morn: You have moved us forward. And yet, my mind rests on one thought. Why not simply press us at the City? Do they suspect such an act would awaken the Traveler? We must find answers.


Eris Morn: The Pyramids cast wide shadows. I sometimes find myself adrift in them. Eriana would tell me: a Light can never be lost, for they are the beacons by which others find their way.


Eris Morn: It did not take them long to arrive once the Undying Mind was slain. They were close. Bearing witness. Perched along our borders with patient determination…and we did nothing.


Eris Morn: Well done. Our answer draws ever nearer.


Eris Morn: The Jovian monarch… its steady presence falters against the Pyramid; pushed away on gentle ripples. Darkness burrows into the cosmic fabric here, emanating distance and entropy. This is not a product of design. It is their nature to divide.


Eris Morn: The Seed wilts. Do you feel it? See it blench against grander purpose? A cost to all things, Guardian. Debts paid.


Eris Morn: We find ourselves one turn closer to an unveiling. The message clarifies, but one page is not enough. We will need volumes.


Drifter: Sharp shooting. You're topped off. Time to scoot.

Eris Morn: Return to us when you have intercepted another message. Savathûn cannot deny us forever.


Drifter: Clean up and move out.

Eris Morn: Well done. Savathûn's hold loosens ever so slightly.


Eris Morn: Savathûn's incantations break momentarily, but there is still much to uncover. You have done well to empower the Seed, Guardian.


Drifter: You know… I'm taking odds on how all this shakes out.

Eris Morn: Under the presumption that you'd survive long enough to pay the dividends?

Drifter: Heh, Drifter gets by.

Eris Morn: Like rats on sinking ships.


Drifter: Hell of a sight out there. Real… something.

Eris Morn: Our sorrows are winds and storms, rat. Violent. But passing.

Drifter: Uh, that name gets around.

Eris Morn: It's a title.


Eris Morn: To pull the Darkness from our foes… It is not an act I take lightly. We have no other choice but to align the Seed.

Drifter: Hmph. Funny.

Eris Morn: Go on.

Drifter: Warlords used that line all the time. Dark Age ideas die hard, I guess.


Drifter: So…what? Is it the eyes? They give you space magic? Pact with the devil?

Eris Morn: Why?

Drifter: Small talk. Common curio. Hot gossip is you're wishing on a star. All the rage these days.

Eris Morn: The stars whisper your name, Germaine. Truth seeks you.

Drifter: I'm as true as they come.

Eris Morn: And yet, I see only a meretricious rogue.

Drifter: Don't cuss at me.

Eris Morn: Hmm.


Drifter: Vanguard came to me pretty quick when they couldn't find Osiris.

Eris Morn: Hmm.

Drifter: You should have heard the offers I turned down.

Eris Morn: Is that so? Of all the vaults in the City, none held any value for you?

Drifter: That's the problem with you Guardians. So materialistic.

Eris Morn: And yet here you are.

Drifter: Keeping my ear to the ground.


Eris Morn: I wonder what Saint-14 would do if we unleashed him on the Pyramids. He never did get to face his army of Darkness.

Drifter: Seems like a lot of effort just to kill a man twice.

Eris Morn: Perhaps it is better to leave him atop his Lighthouse sifting wheat from chaff.

Drifter: Raw deal for the chaff.


Drifter: Inspiring heroics. I'm all riled.

Eris Morn: I didn't take you as the type to swoon.

Drifter: Kid reminds me of Wei Ning. Nothing wrong with a little white hat every now and then.

Eris Morn: She was a treasure. You knew her?

Drifter: Had to pay her tab a few times. Cleared me out.

Eris Morn: She did possess great ambition.


Drifter: [sighs] That Awoken is yelling at me again.

Eris Morn: I'll speak with him. He's… in a foul mood.

Drifter: His own fault. Never seen a man choose to die slow.

Eris Morn: He chose to find a way to live.

Drifter: Nah, just took him a while to realise he's bleeding out.

Eris Morn: You know a great deal about biding time, don't you?

Drifter: You and me both, Moondust. Peas in a pod.


Drifter: Uh, Moondust… you ever get a look inside that Pyramid?

Eris Morn: I know enough to say Asher Mir is wrong.

Drifter: Spill.

Eris Morn: He theorized several versions of their composition, destructive capabilities, numbers. As terrifying as Asher's theories seemed at the time, he never imagined a scenario in which they came in peace.

Drifter: Put a gun in a man's hand, he'll start looking for a fight.


Eris Morn: When we decipher the next message, I will inform the Hidden. Together, we will make sense of the Pyramid's arrival.

Drifter: Want me to run it by ol' Rey Rey?

Eris Morn: Ikora leads the City in siege preparations. She hasn't time to speak.

Drifter: Fair enough. Sheepdogs just bark.


Drifter: Mini-bank's brimmin'. Lay low for a bit, kid. You're starting to draw some heat.

Eris Morn: Clearing space in your doomsday shelter already? Aren't you tired of cowering under floorboards, relying on hope and prayers?

Drifter: No bother. Right insulation. A good blanket.

Eris Morn: Why are you not there now?


Drifter: In and out. This place is tapped. Scrubbing the bank for our next drop.

Eris Morn: Quicken your pace, both of you. Soon our prize will be spent, and there are miles to go before we rest.


Eris Morn: Something has shifted. Io is not as it was before.

Drifter: No kidding. Look in the sky.

Eris Morn: It's the life that once was. It is pale. Gaunt. In retreat.

Drifter: Sounds like retreat's the right idea.


Drifter: Lot of maintenance frames sweeping down here.

Eris Morn: Our work has produced more foot traffic, more dust, I'm sure.

Drifter: Feels more like someone spying.

Eris Morn: Zavala can… tend towards micromanagement.


Ghost: How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, Savathûn? We don't give up.

Drifter: Say, Hero, if you ever get bored of that squawk box, I can hook you up with some new tech.

Ghost: Does that thing you've made even still have Light?

Eris Morn: Enough. Bickering does not serve us.


Drifter: Got a visitor… again. Hey, Cue Ball, got some time to kill?

Zavala: I was passing by.

Drifter: Not checking in on anyone?

Zavala: No.

Drifter: Someone special?

Zavala: Send me your report. Today.


The Guardians fail to secure enough resonate energy and extract the Seed of Silver Wings.


Drifter: Bank's getting dinged up. This is a lost cause, Brother. Scoot, and we'll try again when things aren't so hot.


Drifter: I'm not gonna risk my gear for nothing. Break off and we'll try again later.


Drifter: That's enough for now. We'll come back when things calm down.


Drifter: Things aren't going our way, pal. I'm calling my gear back before it gets too banged up. Get outta there.


Eris Morn: We are overwhelmed. Retreat, and we will prepare ourselves better for the next assault.


Eris Morn: We are not able to win every engagement. There will be another chance, of that I am sure.


Eris Morn: Bah! There's no point continuing this attempt. Regroup. There's more battles to come.


Eris Morn: We cannot hold this position any longer without risking our work. Take what we have and leave.


Ghost: It's… so… Dark. Get out, before the bank ruptures!

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